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Items filtered by date: August 2022

Tuesday, 30 August 2022 00:00

Feet Problems in the Elderly

The foot can be compared to a tire of a car. After many years of use, a foot can wear down like tires wear down. A tire becomes thin and the tread less dependable over time just as a human foot shows its age over time. The key difference between a foot and a tire is the former cannot be changed. We get one pair of feet per life. Because seniors are generally less active than those younger, they may not pay as much attention to their feet as they once did. But as one ages, they need to pay even more attention to their feet. If you are a senior you will likely experience foot pain. And foot pain is highly associated with a higher risk of recurrent falls, reduced mobility, and a loss of independence. Muscles and tendons lose elasticity with age and that contributes to pain. Additionally elderly foot pain is a result of putting on weight, losing fat on the padding of feet, compromised blood flow from health problems (such as diabetes or peripheral neuropathy), persistent foot problems, such as hammertoes, bunions, corns, calluses, wearing shoes that do not fit well, or simple neglect in care. Daily foot inspections, washing, drying, and moisturizing feet frequently, and cutting toenails straight across are all part of a good foot care routine. Paying attention to diet, exercising, and wearing properly fitted shoes and socks will all help in alleviating foot problems as well. If you are a senior or responsible for caring for a senior, include a podiatrist on the health care team to teach you how to care for your feet or provide diagnosis and treatment should a problem arise.

Proper foot care is something many older adults forget to consider. If you have any concerns about your feet and ankles, contact Ali Davis, DPM from The Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

The Elderly and Their Feet

As we age we start to notice many changes in our body, but the elder population may not notice them right away. Medical conditions may prevent the elderly to take notice of their foot health right away. Poor vision is a lead contributor to not taking action for the elderly.

Common Conditions 

  • Neuropathy – can reduce feeling in the feet and can hide many life-threatening medical conditions.
  • Reduced flexibility – prevents the ability of proper toenail trimming, and foot cleaning. If left untreated, it may lead to further medical issues.
  • Foot sores – amongst the older population can be serious before they are discovered. Some of the problematic conditions they may face are:
  • Gouging toenails affecting nearby toe
  • Shoes that don’t fit properly
  • Pressure sores
  • Loss of circulation in legs & feet
  • Edema & swelling of feet and ankles

Susceptible Infections

Diabetes and poor circulation can cause general loss of sensitivity over the years, turning a simple cut into a serious issue.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Overland Park, KS . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Elderly Foot Care
Tuesday, 23 August 2022 00:00

Ways Diabetes Affects the Feet

When people think of diabetes, they often think of blood sugar and insulin. Diabetes can have several side effects, many of which affect the feet. Sustained high blood sugar levels can affect both the nerves and the blood vessels. One condition is called diabetic neuropathy in which the nerves that send messages to the lower legs, ankles, feet, and toes become damaged. This results in numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet. Diabetes can also restrict blood flow to the feet, which can prevent sores or cuts from healing properly and in severe cases lead to gangrene or even amputation. Managing the condition of the feet is an everyday concern for a diabetic. It starts with a daily examination to look for cuts or sores, especially on the bottom of the feet. It is also important to wear comfortable shoes and clean socks that give the feet ample room to breathe. Keeping the feet active through simple exercises designed to increase blood flow is important too. For more information and other foot care remedies, it is strongly suggested that you make regular visits to a podiatrist for evaluation and guidance. 

Diabetic foot care is important in preventing foot ailments such as ulcers. If you are suffering from diabetes or have any other concerns about your feet, contact Ali Davis, DPM from The Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes affects millions of people every year. The condition can damage blood vessels in many parts of the body, especially the feet. Because of this, taking care of your feet is essential if you have diabetes, and having a podiatrist help monitor your foot health is highly recommended.

The Importance of Caring for Your Feet

  • Routinely inspect your feet for bruises or sores.
  • Wear socks that fit your feet comfortably.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

Patients with diabetes should have their doctor monitor their blood levels, as blood sugar levels play such a huge role in diabetic care. Monitoring these levels on a regular basis is highly advised.

It is always best to inform your healthcare professional of any concerns you may have regarding your feet, especially for diabetic patients. Early treatment and routine foot examinations are keys to maintaining proper health, especially because severe complications can arise if proper treatment is not applied.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Overland Park, KS . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Diabetic Foot Conditions
Tuesday, 16 August 2022 00:00

Broken Toe Treatment Options

Many people who have endured a broken toe often treat it by using the buddy taping method. This is done by taping the affected toe to the toe next to it, and is often an effective method in providing the stability that is necessary to completely heal the toe. A broken toe can occur from a heavy object falling on it, or if it is jammed into a piece of furniture. If the fracture is severe, there may be a bone that protrudes through the skin, and immediate medical attention is needed. Part of the recovery process is to stay off of the foot as much as possible, in addition to limiting daily activities. The toe will most likely be swollen and bruised, and it will be painful to walk without limping. Some patients opt to use a walking boot, and this can be helpful in relieving some of the pressure on the affected toe. Larger shoes may need to be purchased that can accommodate the broken toe, and a splint may need to be worn, depending upon which toe is affected. If you have broken your toe, please speak with a podiatrist who can guide you toward the treatment that is correct for you. 

A broken toe can be very painful and lead to complications if not properly fixed. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Ali Davis, DPM from The Foot Clinic. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What to Know About a Broken Toe

Although most people try to avoid foot trauma such as banging, stubbing, or dropping heavy objects on their feet, the unfortunate fact is that it is a common occurrence. Given the fact that toes are positioned in front of the feet, they typically sustain the brunt of such trauma. When trauma occurs to a toe, the result can be a painful break (fracture).

Symptoms of a Broken Toe

  • Throbbing pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising on the skin and toenail
  • The inability to move the toe
  • Toe appears crooked or disfigured
  • Tingling or numbness in the toe

Generally, it is best to stay off of the injured toe with the affected foot elevated.

Severe toe fractures may be treated with a splint, cast, and in some cases, minor surgery. Due to its position and the pressure it endures with daily activity, future complications can occur if the big toe is not properly treated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Overland Park, KS . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about What to Know About a Broken Toe
Wednesday, 10 August 2022 00:00

Prefabricated Versus Custom Orthotics

Prefabricated orthotics is another name for over-the-counter (OTC) orthotics. Custom orthotics are constructed to the precise specifications of your foot. With certain foot conditions, such as plantar fasciitis or flatfoot, there is evidence that prefabricated or custom orthotics help. They are not considered to help as much for overuse injuries like tendonitis or stress fractures. Rigid, or very stiff orthotics, can help control the foot position during walking but must exert force against the plantar part of the foot that is three to four times one’s body weight. Rigid orthotics are not particularly comfortable either, and less of this type of orthotic is used. Most often, one wears semi-rigid or accommodative orthotics, and they act almost like a bed for the foot spreading the weight more evenly across the surface of the footwear. When there is an abnormality of the foot, custom orthotics are thought to be better. Know that no orthotic—custom or OTC—will be able to treat all foot problems. Consult with a podiatrist to see which type is best for your condition.

If you are having discomfort in your feet and would like to try orthotics, contact Ali Davis, DPM from The Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts you can place into your shoes to help with a variety of foot problems such as flat feet or foot pain. Orthotics provide relief and comfort for minor foot and heel pain but can’t correct serious biomechanical problems in your feet.

Over-the-Counter Inserts

Orthotics come in a wide variety of over-the-counter inserts that are used to treat foot pain, heel pain, and minor problems. For example, arch supports can be inserted into your shoes to help correct overarched or flat feet, while gel insoles are often used because they provide comfort and relief from foot and heel pain by alleviating pressure.

Prescription Orthotics

If over-the-counter inserts don’t work for you or if you have a more severe foot concern, it is possible to have your podiatrist prescribe custom orthotics. These high-quality inserts are designed to treat problems such as abnormal motion, plantar fasciitis, and severe forms of heel pain. They can even be used to help patients suffering from diabetes by treating foot ulcers and painful calluses and are usually molded to your feet individually, which allows them to provide full support and comfort.

If you are experiencing minor to severe foot or heel pain, it’s recommended to speak with your podiatrist about the possibilities of using orthotics. A podiatrist can determine which type of orthotic is right for you and allow you to take the first steps towards being pain-free.

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Overland Park, KS . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Foot Orthotics

Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.

Most babies do not wear shoes until they begin to walk comfortably. As the toes grip the floor, the bones, tendons, muscles and ligaments in each foot can become stronger. It is important that the toes have enough room in the socks to move freely, and are not stretched too tight over the foot. Many people choose to have their child’s feet properly measured when purchasing their child's first pair of shoes. This is done by measuring the length and the width of each foot, which can help to determine the exact size shoe your child should wear. Shoes that fit properly have adequate room for the toes, and the heel should fit securely. If your child’s foot slips out of the shoe while walking, the next size smaller may be considered. Children’s feet grow fast, and it is beneficial to have them measured every four to six weeks. The rate the feet grow will slow down at approximately four years of age, and then generally increase one size per year until age twenty. If you would like additional information about what to look for before purchasing your child’s shoes, please confer with a podiatrist.


The health of a child’s feet is vital to their overall well-being. If you have any questions regarding foot health, contact Ali Davis, DPM of The Foot Clinic. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Tips for Keeping Children's Feet Healthy

  • Make sure their shoes fit properly
  • Look for any signs of in-toeing or out-toeing
  • Check to see if they have Clubfoot (condition that affects your child’s foot and ankle, twisting the heel and toes inward) which is one of the most common nonmajor birth defects.
  • Lightly cover your baby’s feet (Tight covers may keep your baby from moving their feet freely, and could prevent normal development)
  • Allow your toddler to go shoeless (Shoes can be restricting for a young child’s foot)
  • Cut toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails
  • Keep your child’s foot clean and dry
  • Cover cuts and scrapes. Wash any scratches with soap and water and cover them with a bandage until they’ve healed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Overland Park, KS . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Care for Your Child's Feet

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